Problem Loans: Warning Signals, Assessments & Managing Them


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A number of countries face the problem related to non-performing loans and their levels. Non-performing loans can be a heavy burden for banks, reducing their ability to extend credit to the real economy. Any bank faces non-performing loan risk due to its main function as a financial intermediary. Various efforts have been made by banks to avoid the Non-performing loans. However due to various reasons in the organizational environment or debtor's management ability any bank continues to experience them. In result Non performing loans affect the total economic growth, banks themselves, borrowers and taxpayers too.


Workshop Objectives

Keep a close watch on your credit portfolio to get ahead of problem loans
Take a proactive approach to problem loan management
Take on problem loans before they take you by surprise
Know why a Loan turns Non-Performing Asset
Identify early Warning Signals of a problem loan
Identify the causes for the rise of problem loans
Know how you can prevent growth of Non-Performing Assets

Training Methodology

This course will be conducted physically and virtually simultaneously, with formal presentations and an interactive training manual. It will be delivered by seasoned trainers with vast experience in their respective fields of practice. The course is taught through a mix of practical activities, theories, group activities, and case studies. The session will be wrapped up by an industry expert to share practical experience related to the course topic, and a Q&A session with the participants.
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